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The major material that needs to be tested is glowing pigments. I had tried different types of glow in the dark ink, UV ink, and ready-to-use glow in the dark pigment. I finalized my own glow-in-the-dark water-based pigment made with an aqua colored glowing powder. Aqua glowing powder does not merely gives a beautiful glow, it can also extend glowing time up to 10 hours if they are "charged" with bright light.


Another most appreciated aspect of this project is that it is silkscreen printed by hand with natural tools and materials. Also, a thin layer of texture is printed from this particular printing method.


A 100% Recycled 100lb. matte cover paper is used in this project. I wish to choose a type of paper that maximize its recycled content with best performance working with my custom-made pigment.


How is it Made?

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